Animal Body Water

sound score in collaboration with artist Manuel Carbone, Berlin, 2022

played for Radio40, as part of artist Magali Dougoud radio project Womxn-Waves-Mouilléexs-Jusquaux-Eaux

Animal Body Water is an experimental sound piece made collaboration with the artist Manuel Carbone in Berlin as the result of two different walks following the same itinerary, one during the day and one at night. The score is the result of sounds collected during the walk. Starting from Jannowitzbrücke to Marshallbrücke, once part of the border strip between east and west, with my animal body and my voice as vessel for different narratives to emerge; bearing in mind that I was the bridge, between my fluids and the water, between the sky and the earth, between the underworld and the visible. 

In Animal Body Water, the body converses with a space that holds together different stratifications, constructions, narratives, psyches. The river and the body during the walk, act not as a continuum but as a liminal space where all life merges, submerges and emerges and in doing so provokes resistance, tension and distortion. In Animal Body Water the voice becomes the tool to express a language that goes beyond the mind-body construct and the human and non-human dichotomy to allow a non-hegemonic exchange with everything surround.

Animal  Body Water

video documentation, Berlin, 2022

Animal Body Water

sound score

Using Format